Wise Feather Spiritual Blog


Od Natalija Russell / studeni 11, 2023

When a person lies it takes a lot of energy to keep that lie going. It also must have a very good memory to memorize the web of lies that will follow just to sustain that first lie that they have started with. Lies are never good. They tend to creep up and expose you as a bed person that you are. People tend to lie because of fear that they won’t be liked for who they really are. Being yourself is not always appreciated in our society but your authenticity will attract people who are more like you. Being a liar can only attract people who are also liars so you can bounce of your lies with them. Being…

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Od Natalija Russell / studeni 11, 2023

What is death but and ending of one form and a rebirth of another.Everything is energy.For so long humanity has been afraid of dying like it is something to be afraid of.Everything in nature and around us has its cycles, it has its beginning and the end.Nothing last forever and it always transforms into something new and better. Change is eminent and it is something we should collectively accept as a good thing.We should all die before dying only to realize that we cannot die.We can only transform into something else.So don’t be afraid of death because it’s a part of life. Who is afraid to die is also afraid to live fully.The cycle of live, death and rebirth are…

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Od Natalija Russell / lipanj 7, 2023

Alchemist is a soul who can turn any situation in to a positive result. Regardless of what is happening to them in their life’s they are still seeing the positives that can come out of a seemingly bad situation. Because there is no such thing as all good and all bad. There is bad in every good and there is good in every bad thing that happens to us. By looking at the situations and circumstances of our life’s we can choose to only see the good coming out of them. That good can be either in the terms of lessons or a blessing so by us alchemising we are becoming rulers of our destiny. Natalija Russell

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Od Natalija Russell / svibanj 2, 2023

Your pain is your friend. Never forget that. I know it is hurting you right now. On all levels. There is suffering all around. But in all that suffering there is always a lesson waiting to emerge. You can always learn from any situation, good or bad. At the end of the day, there are only lessons and blessings in this life, and by you changing your perspective you will change your life. Your pain is teaching you how to become stronger, wiser, more resilient. It is teaching you to be grateful, to have empathy and to better understand the world around you. Your pain is you’re blessing in disguise, so next time it hurts, start counting your blessings. Natalija…

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Od Natalija Russell / travanj 27, 2023

Times of happiness are on the way. You may not be able to see them right now, But they are defiantly approaching. Its always the darkest before daylight. Endure for little while longer, you can do it. You got the strength to push it through. Nothing lasts forever. Everything has its rise and fall, its peak and demise. Sadness is needed for your growth. How would you know how happiness feels if you never experienced sadness? You wouldn’t have nothing to compare it with. So be joyful for your sad moments, because they are teaching you to be grateful for the good moments, that are coming. And remember, nothing lasts forever. Natalija Russell

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Od Natalija Russell / ožujak 31, 2023

This can be very challenging for any person. We try mostly to escape from the parts of ourselves that we condemn as not good enough, not pretty enough, not loving enough and because of society we start to act in the way that others see or say is exactable. But on that road, we slowly start losing ourselves. We start to listen to other people, like they know better than we do about what are needs are. We put a mask on for the show that we call life, and we start playing our role in it. And sometimes we can escape from ourselves that much that we can’t even recognize ourselves anymore. That is not the true self, that…

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Od Natalija Russell / ožujak 31, 2023

Words are our connection with the physical world and tool that we use to create. Do you know that your words are spells, and that’s why in school you learn how to do spelling? Words can have a big impact on our life’s, they can nurture us, inspire us, encourage us but also hurt us immensely. When you speak from the place of fear, anger, or any other lower emotional state you are being toxic to yourself and others. Your words are like echo’s so never forget what you put out to the world trough your mouth. It will come back to you like a boomerang. Its simply karma, what other people say its their karma and what you say…

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Od Natalija Russell / ožujak 31, 2023

Our emotions are just energy in motion. Energy moves trough our bodies and if it does that without us interfering in the process, we are always in flow an at ease. Mostly we try to interfere because we don’t like to feel “bad” emotions in our bodies, so we suppress, we numb it down with food, drink, addictions, and all sorts of things just not to feel. When energy cannot move freely trough our body with ease it creates disease. And what is disease then illness in various forms. It’s a signal from our body that something is not right with us and that something needs to change. So, people need to know that any illness that happens to them…

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Od Natalija Russell / ožujak 31, 2023

Whatever you can imagine, you can create. Sounds so simple, but people are still not living their best life’s. We are using our imagination every day, weather we are aware of it or not, but most people are using it to create all that they don’t want to happen. Just think. We create the worst-case scenarios and situations in our imagination, adding a fearful emotion in the mix and our creation comes true. We can feel it in our bodies even tough its not real, and then we wonder why this is happening to me. We don’t simply understand that emotion is a first manifestation. If we learn to use our imagination to create peace, love and all the beautiful…

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Od Natalija Russell / ožujak 31, 2023

Do you know that whatever you focus on grows in your conscious and becomes your reality? Do you know that focusing means paying attention, giving your energy to? Are you aware that your energy creates worlds? Most people are taught to focus on the wrong things in their life’s. Isn’t it true, that when you focus on not wanting something to happen, that something usually happens? The reason for that is because the universe or God, call it what ever you like, is always giving us what we ask from it. It always says yes. It is like an echo coming back to you. The problem isn’t in asking, it’s about how you ask and if the answer is always…

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