Habits and how to change them 


Habits are actions that we have learned to repeat daily by doing them over and over again. 

Some of them we have learn from observing our parents or siblings, our environment and all the people in it that have had some sort of influence on us. 

They can be good or bad and can literally make or break us. 

Their importance lies in acknowledgement that they can make your life easier or a lot harder depending on the habit. 

For example, if you have a habit of smoking it will have a negative impact on your health, on your life in general and on your finances as well. 

On the other hand, if you have a habit to exercise every day, that can only impact you in a good way if you are doing it in the right way. 

Your health, stamina and wellbeing will be impacted in a good way. 

Habit is created in the way that we repeat same action until we don’t have to think about it ever again. 

When subconscious mind gets the message and it usually take about 21 days to create a new habit, then you will be doing it automatically. 

It is like driving a car, at first you must learn all the rules and regulations, and the car itself, but after driving it for a while you do it automatically. 

Best way to change a habit is to replace it with a different one. 

Its not easy but our brain has neuroplasticity and its capable to create new neuropathways which is now a proven fact. 

Replacing our old habit is very much possible. 

It all starts with a decision that you want to change it and having a valid good reason for it, that will keep you motivated to persist and have willpower to continue with it. 

The best way to stick with your new habit is to repeat it until its automatic. 

It will be hard in the beginning because your brain is creating those new pathways and connections but after a while it will be your new habit. 

Natalija Russell 

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